Monday, July 25, 2011

Week 6 Reflection

I think I'm finally getting it. I'm beginning to overcome some of my techno-fear. But its a long time before I will be techno-savvy. I'm posting the Jing video of my wiki even though it needs serious resizing. I was up until 2am last night trying to figure out just how to resize so that the video fits within my blog. I remember some discussion as to how this is done but as I try to solve this problem I feel like I'm going around in circles. I would love some suggestions!

But in setting up this wiki I explored some things in greater detail and I was able to actually include them in a reasonable manner. Here are some things that I was able to use... and I hope I used them well.

1.) I used the Creative Commons Search to find a good picture of duckweed.

2.) I learned how to use SurveyMonkey (so easy) and was able to link an introductory student survey onto my wiki. I will use this to identify students who may have technology challenges.

3.) I was able to use Jing to showcase and provide an explanation of the pages on my wiki. Unfortunately I have no idea how to resize. I do not have JingPro.

4.) I have started to be able to clarify how I can effectively use this wiki in my classroom. I am starting to see how I will be able to manage all 125 students who potentially may use this wiki.

To me, this is sweet success. It's hard to pull myself away from my computer now because things are so much easier for me than they were six weeks ago. How cool is that?! Anyway, my final project is not fully done but I've made some major headway.

I've got to go BLAST some genetic sequence data for the Yellowstone Lake Ecology class final project. I'll return to this later...

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  1. Hi Susan,

    Try this for resizing the Jing. I can't take credit for making a Jing specifically to answer your question, but I did make it for my students last December. You make the change through the html settings as you edit your post on blogger, not through Jing. Hope this helps:

